Frequently Asked Questions
How can I book a class?
To book a class, follow these steps:
- Register on the Tushala website if you haven't already.
- Log in with your credentials.
- Select the date, class type, and, most importantly, the center you wish to attend.
- Complete the booking process and confirm your attendance.
- That's it! Your class is now booked.
How can I pay for a class or monthly subscription?
To simplify the payment process, each center has specific methods available. Please ensure you make the payment to the center where you will attend.
If you choose an electronic payment method, make sure to include your full name and the word "subscription" or "pass" in the payment reference.
Puerto de la Cruz Center
At this center, you can make payments via:
- Direct payment to Wiktoria at the time of the class.
- Bizum to the phone number (+34) 643 60 24 61.
La Palma Center
At this center, you can make payments via:
- Direct payment to Sarabel at the time of the class.
- Bizum to the phone number (+34) 630 66 87 95.
- Bank transfer to the account ES53 0182 5956 4302 0161 7141.
If the transfer is international, additional fees may apply, which must be covered by the sender.
Can I cancel a booking?
Yes, you can generally cancel a booking.
Please note that each center and class type has its own cancellation policy. When making the booking, you will be informed if cancellation is possible and the deadline for doing so. After this deadline, the center is not obliged to refund the booking amount, and the class will be considered attended.
Can I bring another person to a class?
Yes, you can bring another person to a class.
Centers typically allow bookings to be made in another person's name. For example, you can attend a class with a friend or family member and reserve a spot for them. Always specify the total number of people attending the class, including yourself if you are also attending.
Each attendee must pay the corresponding booking amount.