Hatha Yoga

Puerto de la Cruz | La Palma

One of the oldest and most popular forms of yoga practice. In Sanskrit "Ha" means "sun" and "tha" means "moon." These two words summarize what Hatha Yoga aims for: the search for balance between sun and moon, action and rest, light and darkness.

It is a system that harmonizes the body, its functions, and energies through the practice of conscious attention to breath and the various postures. Postures or asanas are held for several breaths, which can make it an intense practice, but are done with a pause between them. For this reason, Hatha Yoga is often associated with one of the calmest practices.

Students in warrior 2 pose.

It is especially recommended for people who suffer from stress or anxiety-related disorders. Hatha Yoga is ideal for achieving holistic health, reconnecting with our inner selves, and regaining inner calm. With consistent practice, we can harmonize and regulate various physical and mental states.

In none of the styles we offer is there an age limit, as postures or asanas can be adapted to each physical state and body. Additionally, we practice with props, primarily blocks and straps that are available to you.

You only need to learn to listen to yourself and practice with "ahimsa," which means love and compassion towards your own body.

You are always your own teacher and your own disciple. — Words from Ramiro Calle