Daida Carrillo
Ashtanga yoga teacher in Puerto de la Cruz.
She had her first encounter with Hatha Yoga in 2005. Back then, her contact was purely physical. A few years later, she discovered a more dynamic yoga with Julia Quintana (Teatro Victoria). While her practice was initially intermittent due to balancing her work life and being a single mother, she already sensed its benefits and did everything possible to integrate it into her daily life.
It wasn’t until 2013 that Ashtanga Yoga, a discipline she was deeply captivated by, crossed her path, thanks to Griselda Layno (a teacher authorized by Paramaguru R. Sharath Jois). A few years later, she consolidated her practice under the guidance of Ana Lestard (Tenerife Ashtanga Shala), a key figure in her evolution for whom she has deep respect and gratitude.
She spent long periods in Paris, Manchester, and Reykjavik, using these trips to continue learning from teachers such as Klara Kalkusova (Reykjavik Yoga), Yasmin Andrew, and James Lawrence (Ashtanga Anatomy). In her quest for deeper understanding, she regularly attends workshops with masters like Manu Navarro (Element Yoga School), Pablo Pirillo (Ashtanga Yoga Palermo), Lu Andrade (Santa Ashtanga Ibiza), David Robson and Jelena Vesic (Ashtanga Toronto), Marque Garaux (Great Lakes Ashtanga), Beto Pérez, and Reka Molnar.
In 2020, she returned for the third time to India, this time to study in Mysore under the guidance of Paramaguru R. Sharath Jois. In August of the same year, she attended a 200-hour training of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga in Yoga Inbound Barcelona with Marco Aicardi. A few months later, she continued her training with Manu Navarro, with an asana adjustment course. She currently attends as a student at the Shala Caracola with Griselda Layno (Ashtanga Yoga Tenerife) and hopes to continue practicing under the guidance of Paramaguru R. Sharath Jois in Mysore, India (Sharath Yoga Centre).